Tuesday, 11 October 2011

A good year!

Wow I really have let my blog slip, but I plan to put that right now. Yeah right, no I do, I’ve used twitter to great effect over the last 6 months, so I need to get back to some blogging. You can’t really say that much on twitter.

My task of seeing at least 1 film a day the other week, calling it my #bigmovieweek on twitter, went very well. I saw 12 films in all, 8 of them at the cinema. A pretty varied range of films it was as well from the superb British thriller Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, to the Korean revenge flick I saw the devil and ending the week with the worst film I’ve seen this year, Shark Night 3D. Also that week I saw a great film noir in Drive and then a great comedy Crazy Stupid Love which both star the very versatile Ryan Gosling. The end of the Bourne Trilogy which looks great on Blu Ray, plus the remastered version of Jurassic Park at the cinema.

All in all a great week of films.

As bad as Shark Night was and it was pretty bad, it’s not has bad as Giallo, which is the worst film I’ve ever seen, I’ve had a brilliant year at the cinema. I’ve missed the bad films or what looked like they could be bad films and aside the likes of Abduction, the Roommate and Pirates 4 which were all average nothing compares to Shark Night . Just a pity my 100th film of the year was my worst film!

With just under 3 months left of the year, Super 8 is still my favourite film. It will take something pretty special to top it. But you never know, the more I see of Immortals the more I like it. Also there is Hugo, The Girl with the dragon Tattoo, Sherlock Holmes and the Thing which could all make their mark.
I’ve still got to see Warrior, Real Steel, Tintin, Tyrannosaur, Footloose and we need to talk about Kevin yet, and that’s just in the next 2 weeks.

So still a lot of good films to look forward too. Plus I have my huge collection of “Never-Seen” DVD’s and Blu Rays to watch as well.

Monday, 26 September 2011

7 Days of Movies

Why not, there is a lot on the cinema to see this week, plus a lot in my collection to watch as well.

My big week of films started yesterday, with the Redux Jurassic Park, which was pretty amazing to see back on the big screen. The digital transfer looked pretty good, I was a little disappointed in the sound though. I thought the T-Rex was a little subdued but it didn't spoil it.

After listening to The Dark Knight soundtrack on the way home, I decided I need to watch the film, so that's what I did Sunday night.

Monday - I have two films planned for the Cinema, Killer Elite in the afternoon and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy for the evening.

Tuesday - Another two films at the cinema, The Change up and then Drive later. Now Drive is a film I'm eager to see.

Wednesday and Thursday night, not made my mind up yet, but I think it should be something I've never seen in the collection, which gives me a massive choice. I have a massive collection of unseen Asian films, maybe a couple of these then.

Friday is the final part of Bourne on Blu ray with my eldest daughter.

Saturday is back to the cinema to see Crazy Stupid Love with my wife.

Sunday and another 2 at the cinema with Abduction with my daughter and the Shark Night 3D with a couple of mates in the evening.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Day two - Frightfest

Film 4 - Rogue river
Not a bad start to the day, but not the best film. Eased me into the day, not too much gore and relied on the twist for more shock value. Except you could see it a mile off.(6/10)

Film 5 - The holding
Shot in near Buxton, this was a very good thriller, well acted and well written. The direction was pretty good as well. It rained a lot, but you are near Manchester so what do you expect.(8/10)

Film 6 - Midnight Son (discovery screen)
Wow this film was brilliant, fantastic acting from the lead role, and a great take on the vampire theme. Really enjoyed this.(9/10)

Film 7 - Urban explorers
Creep in Germany, and a lot of German speaking scenes with no subs, which put you in a position of the non-speaking German members of the cast, they didn't know what was going on either. Turned into a typical psycho on the loose feature in the end.(7/10)

Film 8 - The glass man
Brilliant, from the direction to the script and Andy nyman and James cosmos. But Nyman was just outstanding, the best performance at Frightfest this year. Loved the film as well. To easy to spoil writing about it, needs watching.(9/10)

Film 9 - Tucker and dale vs evil.
This was so funny, possibly the funniest movie I have seen at Frightfest ever. The hill billy theme is done to death, but this was just brilliant.(9/10)

Film 10 - Vile
Last film of the day and a good concept on the torture porn films, quite liked it in the end.(6/10)

Day 2 done.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Day five - Frightfest

Just too tired to write this last night.

Film 23 - A night in the woods
Missed this as it was shaky cam, and I hate them as they make me ill.

Film 24 - Deadheads
Great cast and crew who we met before the film, I dislike zombie movies but gave it a go. I liked this lot if film pop culture, great gore and very funny.  Enjoyed it.(8/10)

Film 26 - Curse of the alps
This was pretty good, good use of a swiss legend, well directed. Cast were good, but it got a little confusing at times.(7/10)

Film 27 - Inbred
Loved this, the humour was great, good cast, didn't hang around straight into the action, loads of gore.  Bloody good fun.(8/10)

Film 28 - A lonely place to die.
Top notch thriller, good story, great cast. Amazing cinematography ,Scotland looked stunning. Really enjoyed the film one of the best this weekend.(9/10)

And that is it, missed one film, enjoyed the majority, loved the atmosphere. Met some great people, the cast and crew of Deadheads were terrific. Adam and Jo, sneaked a picture with john simm.

Overall a fantastic weekend.

Day four - Frightfest

Film 17 - The divide
Thought this was brilliant, great cast, well written, wonderful to look at. And pretty scary all in all. One of my festival favourites.(9/10)

Film 18 - Rabies (discovery screen)
This didn't happen as I couldn't get up to q for tickets.

So we watched the short film showcase instead, which was excellent.

Film 19 - The innkeeper
Old fashioned ghost story with a great lead actress, very well written. West uses the camera beautifully, the sound was brilliant and the film built to a scary ending.(9/10)

Film 20 - Sint
Funny, creepy and a good Xmas horror movie. Action, gore and comedy, all well done, an enjoyable film.(7/10)

Film 21 - Kill list
The film everybody wanted to see, and while not a let down, it didn't blow me away. It's a well directed piece, very well acted, and looked great. But the payoffs and shocks were a little obvious and just took the edge of the film. Still one of best films this weekend.(9/10)

Film 22 - Detention
I loved this film, pop culture films do it for me, and this is one of the best. Heathers, donnie dark, Scott pilgrim, scream, all rolled into one, plus more culture references than you can mention. Funny, it had gore, it had aliens, time machines and it was brilliant.(9/10)

And that was day 4.

Day three - Frightfest

Film 11 - Troll hunter
Even though I struggle with these films due to the shaky cam, this was really well put together. The actors were all good and their characters likable. The setting was superb, and the trolls were great.(8/10)

Film 12 - The wicker tree
I don't like the original and this was only just better, but it lacked tension and scares. For me the worst film so far. (4/10)

Film 13 - Panic button
Good concept borrowed heavily from saw and the cube, but was well acted. Though the reason why was a little weak, but what was the panic button? (6/10)

Film 14 - Fright night 3D
Really liked this, enough to make it different from the original. Strong cast, not badly written. Not sure it needed the 3d, but will be going to see this in 2d. (8/10)

Film 15 - The woman
Brilliant film, well written, directed, and the sound was amazing. Strong performance from the lead actress and some good twists and shocks. Plus it never over played the abuse.(9/10)

Film 16 - Chillerama
WTF? this was mad from start too finish, each segment was just messed up, but who cares it was great fun and a good end to the day. (8/10)

Day one - Frightfest

The fifth year for me and tony at London's premier horror film festival, and the opening night has one film I've been looking forward too for a while, Don't be afraid of the dark.

Film 1 - Don't be afraid of the dark
Really liked this a good scary thriller, a throw back to the old scary films, all about the jumps rather than the gore. Though not many Frightfesters seemed happy with it.(8/10)

Film 2 - Final Destination 5
You know what you get with a Final Destination film, however after the above average 4th one, it was a take it or leave it film. But with this crowd it could be good.

It wasn't good it was bloody brilliant, from the script to the acting, the score and the brilliant deaths it was just the best one of the 5 for me. And with a quite brilliant ending, this was the film of the night.(9/10)

Film 3 - The theatre bizarre
The trouble with the late night films they tend to be viewed as the senses dull, and it really needs something brilliant to wake you up, like the loved ones last year.

This had it's moments but it was a little strange most of the time. The accident segment was brilliant, sweets was gross, and the mother of toads good. I liked it in the end.(7/10)

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Mobile blogging

Well might as well give it a go. Maybe I will be able to keep it more up to date.

Plus with Frightfest only 2 days away, should be quite cool to blog the experience from the event.

Double bill tonight, The inbetweeners and then the skin I live in.

By the way this years films have been pretty good, I do think this is my best year of movies. Then again it could all go down hill from here.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Coming Soon!

The summer madness starts soon! I have to say their are some great films coming up, well for me anyway!

Hangover 2, Thor, Captain America, Harry Potter 7 – Part 2, Fast 5, Green Lantern, Transformers 3, Scream 4, Priest, Pirates 4, X-Men First Class, Kung Fu Panda 2 and Super 8.

Transformers 3 you say! Yes! Even though 2 wasn’t that good, I still have to hope that 3 will be! One thing is true it can’t be any worse than 2!

But then the films coming which won’t get the buzz that these other films get, like 13 Assassins, I saw the devil, Hobo with a shotgun and of course Insidious. But also Attack the block, Julie’s Eyes all look and sound great!

Insidious seems to be getting a lot of good buzz stateside, I’ve seen the trailer it looked good, but it kind of looked like all the generic horror films of late. But the word is strong that it’s better than that!

So “Here we go!”

Monday, 28 March 2011

Tron (DVD) (30/12/2010)

I only watched this so my daughter would have the background when we went to see Tron Legacy. I know why I haven’t bought it, and why I haven’t watched it in a long time.

I had forgot how dull it was, it only really sparked Emily’s imagination when he got into the computer, but before that it was downright dull! But for me even inside the computer, it had lost it’s edge.

I don’t remember it being this bad! Well hopefully the 2nd one will be better!

The Way Back (28/12/2010)

This was my daughter’s choice she saw the trailers and was onto it like a shot! It wouldn’t be the sort of thing I would have expected to take her too, Polish prisoners escaping from the Gulag and walking into China! But it took her fancy and mine too!

Quite an uplifting film considering the content, Peter Weir has done a remarkable job with this film, as well has breaking his ankle in the process! The cinematography is stunning through out showing the beauty and the harshness of the countryside they travelled through. Weir doesn’t bog the film down with long scenes of walking, except where it mattered, which in a way saves the film. He shows us just enough to feel the plight of these people, the harsh conditions they endured and the friendships they made.

We both really enjoyed this film, the acting was very good, the script was good and the soundtrack stunning.

Overall (9/10) epic film for an epic story!

Monsters (21/12/2010)

One of my favourite films at Frightfest 2010, I really wanted my daughter to see this. In the end we had to go twice, the first time she was ill and was sick in the cinema! (And it wasn’t the film!)

Again, I really enjoyed it. I know nothing really happens, it’s not ID4, it’s not District 9, it’s something different and I think that’s what I really like about it. The two cast members are very good, the direction is clever, and the fact it’s mostly ad libbed gives it something special.

Overall (9/10) still a monster treat!

The Tourist (20/12/2010)

So Ricky Gervais doesn’t like this film, I don’t see his problem, it’s not that bad! In fact I’ve seen a lot worse than this! Some are that bad I can’t even remember them!

Jolie and Depp are fine in this, they have chemistry, and it works! The big twist is way to obvious from about half way in, but so what, actually the little twist was better!

Jolie looked stunning, and Director, Florain Henckel von Donnersmarck showed off her beauty against the stunning back drop of Venice! Depp however seems a little lost in these straight parts, he needs quirky! However he did a good job, and along with the rest of the cast they made a typical European thriller. See the French would make a film like this and everybody who could read subtitles would rave over it!!!

I wonder how many people liked both The American and The Tourist! Well I did!

Overall (8/10), a nice little thriller!

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (17/12/2010)

I like the Narnia films, so I was looking forward to this. Possible lacking the production backing the first two had, this is still a solid addition to the previous films. I’m just glad that the original cast members all signed up for it!

Lucy (Georgie Henley) and Edmond (Skander Keynes) have matured as actors, through the 3 films I could see a vast improvement, and they carried this film well. Ben Barnes (Caspian) also turned in a much better performance than he did in the 2nd one, maybe dropping that silly accent helped!

But the standout performance goes to Will Poulter (Eustace) I thought he was superb.

The special effects are very good, especially the dragon! The direction was good, while the story was a little weak, it did enough. The music I can’t remember, maybe it wasn’t that good!

Overall (8/10), keeping the faith!

Unstoppable Again

Saw this on (09/12/2010)

Took my daugther to see this, see sat on the edge of her seat once that train got going!

I enjoyed it just as much the 2nd time.

So Lazy!

No I haven't stopped watching films! Just Got behind a little! Well maybe a lot!!

So I plan a quick recap of the films I've seen, not massive updates, just things to bring me up to date. My Daughter has joined with me now and she's got her own Cineworld card, she's nearly filled her quota after 4 months. But she is loving it!

She's also loving Buffy! Talk about get into something, she loves it! Trouble is the twins want to watch it too - so I'm going to get to sit through it all again in 5 years time!

Well the film, I have been very lazy I admit, but I have been going just as much really, if not a little more with Emily! Plus i do get to see some films twice which can be a bonus!

Anyway just joined Twitter, going to use it to keep in touch with the Film World!

And on the Frightfest home page, just behind Tony Todds left shoulder - that's me! Just wish I was a little taller!!!!

Right - my mission to get my blog back up to date!