Tuesday, 11 October 2011

A good year!

Wow I really have let my blog slip, but I plan to put that right now. Yeah right, no I do, I’ve used twitter to great effect over the last 6 months, so I need to get back to some blogging. You can’t really say that much on twitter.

My task of seeing at least 1 film a day the other week, calling it my #bigmovieweek on twitter, went very well. I saw 12 films in all, 8 of them at the cinema. A pretty varied range of films it was as well from the superb British thriller Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, to the Korean revenge flick I saw the devil and ending the week with the worst film I’ve seen this year, Shark Night 3D. Also that week I saw a great film noir in Drive and then a great comedy Crazy Stupid Love which both star the very versatile Ryan Gosling. The end of the Bourne Trilogy which looks great on Blu Ray, plus the remastered version of Jurassic Park at the cinema.

All in all a great week of films.

As bad as Shark Night was and it was pretty bad, it’s not has bad as Giallo, which is the worst film I’ve ever seen, I’ve had a brilliant year at the cinema. I’ve missed the bad films or what looked like they could be bad films and aside the likes of Abduction, the Roommate and Pirates 4 which were all average nothing compares to Shark Night . Just a pity my 100th film of the year was my worst film!

With just under 3 months left of the year, Super 8 is still my favourite film. It will take something pretty special to top it. But you never know, the more I see of Immortals the more I like it. Also there is Hugo, The Girl with the dragon Tattoo, Sherlock Holmes and the Thing which could all make their mark.
I’ve still got to see Warrior, Real Steel, Tintin, Tyrannosaur, Footloose and we need to talk about Kevin yet, and that’s just in the next 2 weeks.

So still a lot of good films to look forward too. Plus I have my huge collection of “Never-Seen” DVD’s and Blu Rays to watch as well.