Friday, 11 September 2009

Bladerunner - The Final Cut (DVD)


It's a long long time since I saw Bladerunner, so sat down last night to watch it. Apart from the obvious missing voice over, I'm not too sure what the difference was with the Theatrical cut of the film and this cut. I do seem to remember Deckard and Rachel in a car in the sun at the end, but not 100% on that.

What a film, Scott's vision is remarkable, the look and feel of the whole thing is amazing. The cast is superb, the cinematography stunning and the music outstanding. A near perfect film!
(10/10 - Outstanding)

The picture even on my standard CRT looking great but the sound rumbled through my sub woofer with the constant hum of the city and it sounded amazing.

There are 4 more versions in the set, I doubt I will watch them, maybe the Theatrical cut to see the difference but that could be it, I will also make some time to watch the making off as well.

Tonight I'm watching Twilight with my daughter - see what all the fuss is about.

1 comment:

  1. Bladerunner class film - it's one of my top 10 favourite movies of all time!
