Friday, 19 November 2010

Jackass 3D

Last night caught the 3D Jackass film!

What's it about? A bunch of crazy men doing some stupid, crazy, sick stunts for laughs.

Summary: Jackass started life on MTV, and has become a massive show for MTV, and spawned 3 films, the latest being shot in glorious 3D. It's an acquired taste for the most part, but some of it is just so funny, this is every grown man's dream. To act 13 all your life. Yet some of these stunts are plain dangerous, getting in front of a charging bull, wouldn't be on my list of things to do, in fact nothing I saw in this film as funny as it was would I even attempt by myself or against someone else. Maybe due to the fact I couldn't afford to rig half the stunts up anyway!

Back to the film, it's not a film to really like, it's just funny in a major slapstick way! Some of it is vile, but caught up in the film you can't help but laugh (even if the guy over my shoulder kept retching!!) Seriously thought we were going to have our own live vomit scene in the cinema! Lucky for me he kept control of himself!

But to say I didn't like it is wrong - I did like, because I laughed till my sides hurt, my throat became sore and tears rolled down my face. And so the film succeeded in doing what it intended to do, and I loved nearly all of it!


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