Over the years watching more and more films, plus getting older I have realised that diversity is what makes me enjoy movies more than I ever did. When I was younger, I'm talking before 20, a long long time ago, horror or genre films were my thing, and horror my main thing! I wasn't into the SCI-FI films as much, so not really a fanboy like you see at comic-con. I never got into the films that way, didn't learn all the best lines or dress up like my favourite character, that's not why I watch films. I just wanted to watch horror movies!
But now I'm older and wiser I just want to watch films, at the cinema, on DVD and Blu Ray, with my wife, with the kids, with friends or just on my own, so if I get the chance, then I'll watch a film!
What appeals to me now is the diversity of films I see, or what I want to see or even what I collect on DVD and Blu Ray. I can sit and watch Mary Poppins or Jungle Book with the kids, to Troll Hunter with my eldest or The notebook with my wife, and enjoy them all. A musical to extreme horror and everything that goes in between, I will watch it.
No I don't like everything, I will try to watch most things but there are some films I do draw the line at. I'm not keen on spoof films, or made for TV true life movies, these I can miss without regret. But give me Inception, which I've just finished watching or Drive or even Hatchet and I'm in my element.
So back to diversity, this weekend alone I saw 4 very different films and only disliked one - immensely!
First I saw Star Wars Episode 1, no need to tell anyone what this is about, except I wasn't impressed with the 3D presentation, just pointless!
In the same day I saw Extremely Loud & Incredibly close, a touching film based around the 911 disaster and a boys attempt to make sense of losing his father in that event.
The day after I saw the 3D comic anti-hero Ghost Rider, while not the best film, infact pretty average, I liked it. Some of the action sequences are great and the camera work is brilliant, but I'd class it as one of my guilty pleasures!
The following day I saw the extremely good, A Dangerous Method with Michael Fassbender and Keira Knightly. A little high brow for me at times, and some of the pyschoanalysis went right over my head, but it was well acted and the musical score was excellent.
So a diverse weekend of films, but at the cinema you don't that choice, these strange combinations of films present themselves on a regular basis and you've just got to go with it, one day it's the Muppets followed by Woman in Black, followed by Carnage. But that's the reason I never get bored of the cinema, the diversity of it all!
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