Last night's film was Pandurom, directed by Christian Alvart (Case 39), with Dennis Quaid (Vantage Point), Ben Foster (3:10 to Yuma), Cam Gigandet (Twilight) and Antje Traue.
A sci-fi horror set aboard a space ship sent from our dying Earth to colonize another planet to keep the human race alive. But things seem to be going wrong as crew members start to wake up from hypersleep and find the ship overrun by flesh eating monsters.
I really quite liked this film, it had good atmosphere and tension throughout, the monsters were ok and I liked the concept behind how they were on the ship. The script was good and well acted from a small cast, Foster was very good.
The film moved along at a good pace and had some good twists leading to a decent conclusion.
(8/10) Extremely Good
Pandorum had a few comparisons (Alien, Event Horizon) but copied none. The tension never dropped from the get go and the performances overall were very good. A nice neat twist at the end brought everything to a satisfactory conclusion. 9/10