Zombieland was last night’s movie, starring Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg (Adventureland), Emma Stone (Superbad) and Abigail Breslin (Nim’s Island) and a super Cameo but I’ll leave you to find that one out. Directed by Ruben Fleischer.
Zombieland is America’s Shaun of the dead, visually funny, brilliantly scripted and very well acted. But what surprised me more was how it didn’t rely on the Zombie’s or over the top zombie deaths to keep the film moving along. The middle act of the film we see very little zombie action at all while the film explores the 4 characters and build’s the relationships between them. Giving them depth and the film a sense of meaning has it heads to the final act and the big zombie fight sequence in the fairground.
It’s these moments along with a brilliant cameo which really makes this film so good. I liked the characters and I actually wanted them to stay alive to the end credits, not something I say for most horror films. The humour was great throughout and the visual’s of the rules was brilliantly executed.
I really enjoyed it from start to finish, (9/10) – Brilliant.
Zombieland. Really enjoyed it. I agree it was the American version of Shaun of the Dead. Woody made the film for me as well as the cameo performance from x&?# £%$$*. Just a good larf all round. The sound track was quite good as well. 8/10