Looking forward to this one! Well it is October so here come the horror films!
I liked the first one, even though the camera work made me feel ill! But I was up for this one, just hoping we had more CCTV coverage than hand-held. In the end I think it was about 50-50.
What's it about? A prequel of sorts to Paranormal Activity, but the final 10 minutes continue from the end of the first film. Strange, yes but I liked this way of telling the story, well depending on which version of the ending you see in the first film.
Cast: Katie Featherston, David Bierend, Brian Boland and Molly Ephraim
Written by Michael R Perry and Christopher B. Landon
Directed by Tod Williams
What I liked? The story, the way it wrapped round the first film.
What I didn't like? The hand held camera!
Summary: This was a good sequel, prequel, whatever it was, it was pretty entertaining horror story. The build up was slow and intense, and each time the message showed night #? you steeled yourself for something to happen. And every night something did. Some of the scenes I thought were pretty creepy, the one with the baby was superb, also the attack was pretty good too. The story led into the first film and then finished the first film off, well what happens after type of thing. And I liked this way of doing it, it gives the first one a little more weight, adding some possible reasons as to why the attacks are happening.
The cast were good, nothing brilliant, but I must admit the cast from the first film looked a lot more at home filming this second picture, maybe the experience has paid off. The direction was good and I liked the use of the CCTV cameras to show the events, at least it gave me a rest from all the hand held footage! In fact it was enough for me not too feel ill at the end of it.
Overall, a fair horror film, with a few good jumps and an interesting story layout. (7/10)
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