Sunday, 31 October 2010

The Social Netwrok

A few films to catch up on, the first is The Social Network. A film which really didn't interest me, I don't use facebook very much but I was curious to see if Fincher could craft a film out of this story, one which could hold my attention for 2 hours. I went into the film with an open mind.

What's it about, well the founders of the social-networking website, Facebook.

Cast: Jessie Eisenberg, Andew Garfield and Justin Timberlake.

Written by Aaron Sorkin from a book by Ben Mezrich.

Soundtrack by Trent Raznor and Atticus Ross

Directed by David Fincher

What I liked? The cast, the script and the story.

What I didn't like? Not much.

Summary: Wow!, I was not expecting this, I know Fincher is a master of his craft, but I couldn't really see how he was going to make this work, or even entertain, but he did. His directional skills are simply amazing, not one shot was wasted, no filling, just perfect film making. The script was very good and all the actors gave solid performances. Eisenberg and Garfield were superb though, and I think Garfield could make one hell of a Spiderman.
The story was actually very interesting in the end, however I've read that it's not exactly has it happened and a certain Hollywood spin has been added to pep up the story. But this hasn't dampened my enjoyment of the film,

Overall, a good story with brilliant script, and acting and direction, 9/10.

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