Sunday, 12 September 2010

Isle of Dogs

Film 6 - (Friday)

A wife of a psycho criminal tries to leave her husband and run away with her lover. But plans go awry when the husband finds out and sets in motion a plan to kill his wife!

Cast: Barbara Nedeljakova - Nada, Edward Hogg - Riley and Andrew Howard - Darius

Written by Sean Hogan

Soundtrack by Phil Bloomberg and Tim Worman

Directed by Tammi Sutton

What I liked? Andrew Howard - a complete nutter!

What I didn't like? The story, why the dog got shot? Edward Hogg.

Summary: I have no idea what this film wanted to be, what story it was trying to tell me, it was all over the place at times. It was like putting a jigsaw together, and the bits didn't fit. Even some of the extreme violence didn't help it. I suppose it was just a film about how some men hate women, and see them as objects to be used for their pleasure!

The overall plot was simple and could have had some better twists in it. The direction was a mess, it tried to be funny in places, but it was more comical in the serious moments. I've nothing to compare it too either, did it want to be a reservoir dogs for England, not sure on that one.

The acting was ok in the most part, with Andrew Howard the stand out for me. (He appears again later in the Festival!). Nedeljakova was ok as Howard's wife, while Hogg was all over the place! The script didn't help.

Overall - I sat through it hoping it would get better, it didn't. (4/10)

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