Monday 12 July 2010


Well the summer continues with another average, well just above average film,with Predators. A sequel in many ways to one of my all time favourite films. Predators does it's best to re-light a franchise which lost it's way in it's true sequel and then wound up having to share screen time with one of the greatest sci-fi monsters ever in Alien Vs Predator, the game is great and that's where it should have stayed!

OK I'm being a little harsh on this film, it's not bad, it just lacks so much that the original had. A group of people who you like and actually care what happens to them, the new crew had no one at all I liked and that I wanted to see at the final credits. Not enough action, the film takes a long time to kick into gear, and when it does it soon takes it's foot of the peddle. When the original got going the tension grew and grew to the final fight. Other things like the script, the casting, Adrien Brody just wasn't right, he looked the part just didn't sound right or maybe that was the script!
The Laurence Fishburne part was a little strange as well and only slowed the film down again. And finally the music just didn't seem to fit the film, so that's a soundtrack I won't be getting any time soon!

Directed by Nimrod Antal (Armoured), and produced by Robert Rodriguez, with Adrien Brody (Splice), Topher Grace, Alice Braga and Laurence Fishburne.

Overall Topher Grace did the best job, the direction was good, the script average, the music no good, but the Predators looked the part. Yes the actually Predators were good, just a pity we didn't see enough!


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